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2007-06-04 [silent_voice]: Ill try and find a picture for him ^_^
2007-06-04 [Yuichi♥]: Kay n.n
2007-06-04 [silent_voice]: If you like i can put and advertisement up for this wiki...
2007-06-04 [Yuichi♥]: Sure that would be nice X3
2007-06-04 [silent_voice]: *Nods* Ill put it up in my diary and put it out to all my friends. ^_^
2007-06-04 [Yuichi♥]: -nods- Take a look at the bigger wiki connected to it. This is just one of the 7 pirate ships. If you havent already check out the main wiki seven seas
2007-06-04 [Nevermore.]: omg can i be Navigator?
2007-06-04 [Yuichi♥]: Send me your Character Bio and ill see if i like it or not (Most likley yes n.n) Please be slightly detailed.
2007-06-04 [Nevermore.]: ok, i will do when i get home
2007-06-04 [Yuichi♥]: -Nods- Well Im off to bed for the night. =] Er... Morning O.o
2007-06-04 [silent_voice]: yay home!
2007-06-04 [Blakkduv]: I can be the artilerist if you want
2007-06-04 [Yuichi♥]: Send me your profiles, and i will get you in whatever spot i find open n.n''
2007-06-04 [XxTsomexX]: lol your on a roll ^^
2007-06-04 [Yuichi♥]: @.@ I am XD
2007-06-04 [XxTsomexX]: lol I was too, im still somewhat, but not so much (I was the first to join lol so now i'm watching every page :P)
2007-06-04 [Yuichi♥]: n.n ima do that >.>'' Easier to see progress of everyone
2007-06-04 [XxTsomexX]: yeah lol ^^
2007-06-04 [Nevermore.]: that pic above my char is not for keeps, im drawing myown
2007-06-04 [Yuichi♥]: -Nods- Kay
I dont like my art enough to do that. But i think im gonna atempt it XD n.n
2007-06-04 [Nevermore.]: yaya kick ass! *high five*
2007-06-04 [Yuichi♥]: -Highfives- XD
2007-06-04 [Nevermore.]: can i take that pic down actually?
2007-06-04 [Yuichi♥]: Hm. Sure n.n
2007-06-04 [silent_voice]: Im very happy ^^
2007-06-04 [Nevermore.]: oh??? and why would that be? any reason?
2007-06-04 [silent_voice]: Because so many people have joined this ^_^
2007-06-04 [Nevermore.]: lol ohh i see
2007-06-05 [Nevermore.]: ok, Ailis' pic is up that i did last night, tell moi what ya think! may do a coloured version soon
2007-06-05 [Yuichi♥]: i like it
2007-06-05 [Eyelash-Wishes]: oh may i be the deckhand?
2007-06-05 [Yuichi♥]: Mhm sure, send me your charecter profile and if i like it i will put it up there =D
2007-06-05 [Eyelash-Wishes]: ok no problem
2007-06-05 [The Blood Angel]: whats a deck hand again *Scratches simple brain*
2007-06-05 [Eyelash-Wishes]: um....its the one who does all the cleaning duties and things like that
2007-06-05 [The Blood Angel]: Oh LoL
2007-06-05 [Eyelash-Wishes]: well thats what I think...lol I could be totally wrong. lol
2007-06-05 [The Blood Angel]: no problems. LOL
2007-06-05 [Eyelash-Wishes]: lol
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: Hmm I added Doctor to the list. =/ Mmm. I belive we can start to rp now. n.n''
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: In the RPG. Please dont make 10 posts aday, Let others have a chance to get a post in. Please dont overdo it. n.n'' And Try and keep it above the oneliners. Those are the only things i reallly ask for
2007-06-06 [silent_voice]: I extended mine >.> Im probably going to be the word offender, im online almost every day
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: Im on almost everyday =] but the main thing is that dont overdo your posting. n.n I dont want people getting left behind. And inless you just cant possibly think of anything eles to do, try and keep it more the one line =D
2007-06-06 [silent_voice]: Yeah i know ill try and im on almost all the time everyday
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: I noticed XD
2007-06-06 [silent_voice]: *loves the new chary* So we are waiting for everyone to post! *impatient*
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: XD Mhm.
2007-06-06 [silent_voice]: Yeaha i be impatient lots. >.> I want to roleplay ><!
2007-06-06 [Nevermore.]: i know! me too ><
2007-06-06 [Eyelash-Wishes]: i posted!! lol
2007-06-06 [Nevermore.]: wait..poseted where?!
2007-06-06 [Eyelash-Wishes]: link at the top of the page to the nightmare!!
2007-06-06 [Nevermore.]: lol i just noticed
2007-06-06 [The Blood Angel]: right I'll write up the cook.
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: n.n Mmkay!
2007-06-06 [The Blood Angel]: Right I've submitted a character but forgot to say that he was to be the cook (Though it's briefly mentioned in his background.
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: @.@ wee. funfun.
2007-06-06 [Lin-tastic]: Simple question! Can you link her name, please? Or do you not do that?
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: @.@ Eh? ...
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: Candycane, if you would like, change the page and make your person fit however you want to. n.n''
2007-06-06 [Nevermore.]: i did this one too, but the scan is crap and im finishing it:
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: Oh. I still like it X3
2007-06-06 [Nevermore.]: thanks!
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: n.n Yourwelcome
Ramen.. O.O -hunger-
2007-06-06 [Blakkduv]: that looks sweet!
2007-06-06 [Nevermore.]: hhe thanks, wil have the better colour one done soon
2007-06-06 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^'' I didn't know I could do that... >.> I'm just confused...
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: Lol. I think im getting over being confused. I hope atleast XD.. But i dont know exactly what you want so if theres somthing you want to change then you may do to.
2007-06-06 [Yuichi♥]: -watches spider..- GET OUT OF MY PRINTER! >=O
2007-06-07 [Lin-tastic]: There's a spider in your printer? -goes all...O.o- By the way, I've a link to my character...it
2007-06-10 [Yuichi♥]: Wow. It got quiet here XD
2007-06-10 [Lin-tastic]: Yeah, I know. I have to create a character for another crew, as well...I want to, I mean. I think I'll make a guy, for a change...
2007-06-10 [silent_voice]: I have never actually made a female character, i have made a group with a female in it, as a family, but never a single female character.
2007-06-10 [Yuichi♥]: I have made plenty of both Male and Female. I can never pick.. so now i get into the habit of making a girl charecter, but having her look boyish. Thats to my appeal for now atleast n.n'' It always changes.
2007-06-10 [silent_voice]: Still i think i should made a chicka
2007-06-10 [Lin-tastic]: I've made a female who was told to be male and was more male than female, just by the way she acted...I think I have to find her, again, because I have no idea where she went...^_^ Maybe that's on a different forum site...
2007-06-10 [Blakkduv]: Borris's old ship was blackbeards ship. Black beard actualy left his men on a sand bar so its acurate.
2007-06-10 [Lin-tastic]: What?
2007-06-10 [Blakkduv]: Bompadon!
Edward Teach is black beard. I'm talken about borris's bio.
2007-06-10 [Lin-tastic]: Oh...Okay. ^_^
2007-06-23 [Yuichi♥]: o.o it got really really really quiet recently.
2007-06-25 [Lin-tastic]: I bet everyone else is out camping where they can't get to a computer...the
-the me I see in my head: XXD-
2007-06-25 [Yuichi♥]: XD tis sad but later in july i wont be able to get on much i dont think. Due to being away with family DX
2007-06-25 [silent_voice]: I havent been posting for a long long time.
2007-06-25 [Eyelash-Wishes]: same here
2007-06-25 [silent_voice]: So yeah, people can either take my character down, or they can slow down posting so i can keep up. Your choice.
2007-06-26 [Lin-tastic]: I've been going back and forth with green stripe kid...
2007-06-27 [Yuichi♥]: Im just trying to keep up, but now, its seemed to slow down so much that its stopped. O.O Silent should post X3
2007-06-27 [Lin-tastic]: I need Kid to post something or you...did you already?
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